dimanche 30 janvier 2011

Tuned BMW M3 looks like a GT2

It's Friday. Mostly, we enjoy trawling the vast digital chasms to bring you things that will make you smile. And sometimes, we thoroughly enjoy mercilessly poking the finger of ridicule at tuned ‘carbage'.

So when we clapped eyes on a ‘BMW M3 WIDEBODY" by Prior Design, we readied some choice insults to fire out via the medium of words (and lots of office laughing).

Thing is though, it's not actually that bad. Sure, the wheels are a bit ‘blurgh', but the wide-body kit makes it look like a GT2 car. And GT2 cars rock. Bear in mind though, that it's only acceptable to look at. Drive this to Tesco's and you will look like a tool. Click through and see if you agree, and then log on to our MyFace page to air your machine-fresh thoughts...

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